
颅骨弹性模量时效性的实验研究 被引量:1

The Experimental Research of Aging Performance on Elastic Mdulus of Skull
摘要 采用猪颅骨为实验材料,使用应变电测法对颅骨各层弹性模量随风干时间的变化规律进行了实验研究。实验结果表明:密质骨弹性模量约是松质骨弹性模量的2.5倍,松质骨对颅骨弹性模量的影响有限;猪颅骨单层密质骨和整体的弹性模量相差约13.9%;冷冻后经室温下自然解冻的猪颅骨单层密质骨的弹性模量变化量相当于新鲜密质骨的9.2%,单纯板障松质骨片的变化量为17%,去掉一层密质骨后的颅骨片变化量为18.1%,整体猪颅骨片的变化量为15.6%;由于各生物体颅骨结构基本相同。由此可知,如果在人颅骨上也能得到相似的结论,在进行有关人颅骨研究时可大大延长同一块颅骨的使用时间。或者可以用风干颅骨、解冻后风干颅骨来代替新鲜骨,然后根据其时效特性对实验数据进行修正,这样会大大降低实验成本和难度。 This paper made the experimental research on the elastic modulus of a pig skull with the strain electrometric method. The experimental results show that the influence of cancellous bone is relatively small on the elastic modulus on the whole skull ,because the elastic modulus of compact bone is nearly 2.5 times of that of cancellous bone, the elastic modulus of compact bone is about 13.9% higher than that of the whole skull, the elastic modulus of compact bone of naturally unfreezed skull in room temperature from a freezer is 9.2% higher than that of fresh one, the elastic modulus of cancellous bone of naturally unfreezed skull in room temperature from a freezer is about 17% higher than that of fresh one ,the elastic modulus of skull removed internal or external bone and naturally unfreezed skull in room temperature from a freezer is about 18.1% higher than that of fresh one, and the elastic modulus of the whole skull of naturally unfreezed skull in room temperature from a freezer is approximately 15.6% higher than that of fresh one. Considering the skull structure of any organism is basically the same, the similar conclusion can be expected on human skulls. Accordingly,the same research on human skull can use the fresh, air-dry and unfreezed skull by amending the correspondingly experimental data with the aging performance, which will greatly reduce the experimental cost.
出处 《河北理工学院学报》 2005年第4期121-126,共6页 Journal of Hebei Institute of Technology
关键词 颅骨 弹性模量 应变 电测法 时效性 风干 密质骨 松质骨 skull elastic modulus strain electrometric method aging performance air dry compact bone
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