目的观察禽流感H5N1型病毒对沙鼠的致病性。方法在生物安全三级实验室,将禽流感H5N1型病毒通过滴鼻接种乙醚麻醉后沙鼠,观察14 d,记录沙鼠的体温、体重、临床体征、病理学变化、病毒分离情况及抗体变化。结果沙鼠感染后发病主要表现在第2~6天,攻毒组沙鼠出现反应迟钝、皱毛、弓背、食欲下降、呼吸急促、打堆等体征,攻毒组沙鼠的体温降低和体重减轻,死亡率为44%,在攻毒后8 d检出抗体,主要病理学变化表现为肺出现严重淤血、水肿、出血,镜下可见肺间质充血,血管周围炎性细胞浸润,肝和胸腺淤血,肾出血,肾小管变形。结论禽流感H5N1型病毒对沙鼠有较强致病性。
Objective To study the pathogenicity of avian influenza H5N1 virus to Gerbil. Method Anesthetized gerbil were inoculated intranasally with avian influenza virus isolates at a biosafety level 3 laboratory. Throughout the 14-day experiment, clinical signs were observed; body weight and body temperature were recorded; the blood was collected to analyze AIV antibodies; tissue samples from the lungs, livers, kidneys and so on were processed for virus isolation and histopathology. Result The H5N1 AIV caused severe diseases in gerbils mainly between day 2 p.i and day 6 p.i, characterized by ruffled fur, inappetence, hunched-back posture, labored breathing, hypothermia, weight loss and 44% mortality. Antibodies were detected from 8 days p.i. The histopathologic examinations showed that variable degrees of lesions including congestion and hemorrhage were observed in the lungs, livers, kidneys and so on.. The lesions of the lungs showed interstitial pneumonia, dropsy, configuration breakage. Conclusion Avian influenza (H5N1) virus is pathogenic to Gerbil.
Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine