目的:探讨剖宫产时行子宫肌瘤剜除术的可行性。方法:对2001年2月-2004年12月间50例妊娠合并较大子宫肌瘤(直径≥5 cm)患者在剖宫产同时剜除子宫肌瘤(手术组),并随机抽取同期妊娠不合并子宫肌瘤行选择性刮宫产50例患者作对照比较(对照组)。结果:手术组产时平均出血量比对照组仅多80 ml;而在出血≥500ml、新生儿情况、产后恢复等方面两组相比较无显著差异 (P>0.05)。结论:剖宫产时行子宫肌瘤剜除是可行的。
Objective: To detect the possibility in cesarean-section with myomectomy. Methods: We retrospectively indentified 50 pregnant women with uterine leiomyornas (diameter≥5cm) from Feb. 2001 to Dec2004, who took myomectomy in cesarean-section as study group. As a comparison, 50 cases based series of pregnant women , who took cesarean-section, without uterine leiomyomas were elected at ran- dom in corresponding period. Results: The average amount of postpartum hemorrhage in study group was only 80 ml more, and therewere no difference in the risk of postpartum hemorrhage, neonate situation , postpartum recovery. Conclusion:Myomectomy in cesarean-section does not appear to have further increasing risk between the two groups.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine