
HFC-134a相容润滑油在旋转压缩机中实际运行筛选的方法 被引量:3

Selection method for lubricants compatible with HFC-134a by prerformance comparison in rotary compressors
摘要 介绍了与HFC-134a相容的润滑油在旋转式水箱压缩机及其相匹配的家用电冰箱系统中,实际运行时工作特性的比较及进行筛选的方法.对目前国际上著名化学品公司提供的几种润滑油的实际性能进行了比较,给出它们的优缺点.选定了目前最适用于旋转式冰箱压缩机的HFC-134a相容润滑油. This paper introduces a selection method for lubiricants compatible with HFC-134a by comparing operation performancc of rotary compressors filled with the lubricant and operation performanee of refrrigerating system including the rotary compressors.Mirits and demerits of four kinds of lubiricnats provided by world famous chemical manufacturing companies are presentid. (1)Form the series experiments for the four kinds of lubricants it is known that the whole set experiments of the selecton and optimization composed of performance test,life test and chemical stability test,for the lubricant compatible with HFC-134a,is effective and accords with real application conditions of the lubricant.This method can bc used as a standard and a basis for the selection and optimization of the lubricant compatible with HFC-134a. (2)The four kinds of lubricants tcsted in the rescarch arre considerced to bc applicable according to results of former tests of physical and chemical properties in laboratory.However,in the selection experiments two of them are eliminated.So it would be deduced that 1)for the selection of lubricants compatible with HFC-134a,it is not enough only to conduct physical and chemical property tests im laboratory,and it is necessary to conduet the series selection and optimization experiment under the practical operation condition introdueed by the paper,and 2)the conditions of selection experiment are quite rigorous,and the experiment can guarantee the reliability of application of t he lubricant. (3)It is known,by the strict experiments using the method introduced in the paper,that the two kinds of lubricant,EXP-0966 and SW-22EP,can be used in rotary compressors with HFC-134a as working fluid.However,the dissection of the compressors after life test showed that the wear of the compresor using SW-22EP is a little biit more serious than that using EXP-0966.The acid value of lubricant SW-22EP after chemical stability test is higher than that of EXP-0966.Form the view point of reliability for a long period operation,the lubricant EXP-0966 is selected as the most suittable for rotary compressors using HFC-134a as working fluid
出处 《华东工业大学学报》 1996年第2期1-9,共9页
关键词 润滑油 压缩机 运行 制冷机 lubiicant CFC alternatiue compressor refrrigeration
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