为进一步提高带坯全长厚度控制精度,需提高本体头部命中率,以便绝对AGC投入。介绍了采用动态设定DSU、Taper Head、Taper Tail控制算法以维持轧制力恒定来保证板形。为了能够在热轧生产线上应用,通过对造成轧制力偏差原因的分析,依据实际现场数据对不同轧制规程进行计算,给出了DSU穿带的约束条件,避免了穿带自适应误动作。在本体厚度控制中,提出了基于相位补偿的轧辊偏心控制方案,分析其特点及基于相位补偿控制的优越性,并给出实际的F3机架轧制力滤波效果。实际应用结果表明,该控制算法是有效的。
For improving further automatic gauge control accuracy of the whole strip, it is necessary to increase the main strip head percentage in order to launch into absolute AGC. The control algorithms about DSU, Taper Head, Taper Tail are introduced to ensure flatness by maintaining steady rolling force. Through analyzing forcing difference and calculating the gap regulation by using practical date, the restricted conditions which can be applied in strip tandem rolling mill are given to avoid improper operation. The controller of roller eccentricity based on phasic compensation strategy is presented, and its characteristics and superiority are analyzed. The actual filtering effects of F3 rolling force are given. The practical results show the effectiveness of this algorithm.
Control Engineering of China