
基于遗传算法的应急系统选址优化 被引量:7

Optimization of Location-Choosing for Emergency System Based on Genetic Algorithms
摘要 对社会各种突发事件进行处理的应急系统中,应急服务设施的选址涉及经济、技术、社会、安全等多方面因素。考虑到这一选址问题的特殊性,提出一种求解的自适应遗传算法。为此提出应急系统选址的多目标决策模型,按照自适性遗传算法的设计步骤,通过实例计算,确定应急系统选址的最佳组合方案。 In the urgency response system for social accidental events, the location-choosing of urgency service facilities shall take into account many factors such as economy, technology, society and secure. Considering the speciality of this location-choosing issue, this paper suggests a solution of self-adaptive genetic algorithm. The paper then brings forward a multi-objective decision-making model for the location-choosing of urgency response system and carries out the real-case calculation according to the design procedure of self-adaptive genetic algorithm to finalize the optimized combination plan,
出处 《铁道运输与经济》 北大核心 2006年第1期76-77,80,共3页 Railway Transport and Economy
关键词 应急系统 遗传算法 选址优化 模型 urgency response system genetic algorithm optimization of location-choosing model
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