
一种基于转速反馈的独立轮对的主动导向控制方法 被引量:14

An Approach of Active Steering of Independently Rotating Wheelsets Based on Feedback of Wheels Rotation Speed
摘要 采用左、右轮转速差作为反馈量,对独立轮对的摇头量进行主动导向控制,并研究控制的效果。研究表明:如果仅使用左、右轮转速差作为反馈量,只能使轮对达到纯滚线位置;但在经过补偿速度和轨道曲率的信息后,能使轮对达到线路中心位置。采用转速差反馈主动导向控制后,系统的稳定性会发生变化,反馈增益的稳定区域随着速度增大而减小,补偿速度和轨道曲率信息不会改变控制增益的稳定区域。仿真分析表明这种主动导向控制方法所需要的功率很小。这种方法的反馈量,即左、右轮对转速差可以通过测量车轮的转速而获得,因而这种主动导向控制方法具有显著的实用价值。 An approach of active steering control, which based on the feedback of the rotating speeds of two wheels on the same axle, is given to improve the steering ability of independently rotating wheelsets through adjusting the wheelset yaw pose. The paper analyzes the control target of this method could attained. The research shows that if just the relative rotation speed of two wheels on the same axle is used as feedback information, the ideal target of this approach only makes the wheelsets attaining the pure running line. If the curvature of track and vehicle velocity could be supplied as auxiliary information, the wheelsets could attain the center of track line. The Stable range of control gains is calculated according to eigenvalues of state equation. It is found that the stable range of control gains becomes narrow as the vehicle speed increases. The compensation vehicle velocity and the curvature of track will not change the stable range of control gains. The simulation shows that the power consumption of this kind active auctuator is very small. Finally the paper shows that this active control method has visible practical value because the information of feedback can be measured easily.
出处 《中国铁道科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期89-93,共5页 China Railway Science
关键词 独立轮对 导向 主动控制 轻轨车辆 Independently rotating wheelsets Steering Active control Light rail vehicle
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