
某超限高层建筑结构分析与优化 被引量:3

Structural Analysis and Optimizing of an Out-of-code Highrise Building
摘要 为有效控制平、立面超限高层结构的扭转效应,利用结构概念设计和程序计算分析,较为详细地介绍了一栋因建筑平面为蝶型而平面规则性超限的高层建筑进行结构分析和结构优化的全过程。通过调整结构平面布置、计算分析和设置适当的构造措施,使结构整体设计既满足了建筑功能的需要,又符合现行规范的要求,计算结果也证实了这一结论。该设计可供类似工程参考。 This paper presents the structund concept design and computing process of an out-of -codes high-rise building. The building have a big height-to-width ratio and layout irregularity which break the rules of the codes. Through the arrangement of the structure plane, computing analysis and details of seismic design, the architectural design and codes are both satisfied.
出处 《后勤工程学院学报》 2006年第1期88-91,共4页 Journal of Logistical Engineering University
关键词 超限高层建筑 概念设计 结构分析 结构优化 out-of-codes highrise building concept design structural analysis structure optimizing
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