

Evaluation on the Effect of Qiandongnan Plan Immunization Program Bra nched from the Disease Prevention Item Loaned by Wrod Bank
摘要 目的对黔东南州实施世界银行贷款疾病预防项目计划免疫子项目的效果进行评价。方法通过对黔东南州计划免疫接种成果报表、监测资料、传染病疫情报表等资料计算相关指标,进行动态观察分析。结果黔东南州世界银行贷款疾病预防项目计划免疫子项目实施8年来,提高了计划免疫接种率,“四苗”接种率由1995年的88.80%、93.22%、90.31%和90.24%,分别上升到2003年的96.95%、98.56%、98.21%和98.05%;实施安全注射的接种点比例,由1995年的18.54%上升到2003年的77.14%;2003年计划免疫服务周期和接种形式较1995年有较大改善,实行月和周接种的点的比例由9.72%上升到20.04%,定点接种的比例由18.18%上升到50.63%,两者构成比的差异有显著性,P<0.005;计划免疫针对疾病的发病率明显下降,麻疹高峰期发病率由1985年和1992年的528.45/10万和162.41/10万下降到2002年的77.58/10万;脊灰、白喉、百日咳和破伤风的计免成果进一步巩固;婴儿死亡率和5岁以下儿童死亡率较项目实施前明显下降。结论实施项目的效果是明显的,项目是成功的。 OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of the plan immunization program branched from the disease prevention item loaned by World Bank in Qiandongnan, Guizhou from 1996-2003. METHODS Motively observing and comparedly analysising some stems that obstained from datus of Qiandongnan's EPI, surveilling in plan immunization, or infecious disease report et. RESULTS Over the past eight years, the program has reached to that, “four seeding” inoculation rates have been risen from 88.80%, 93.22%, 90.31%, and 90.24% in 1995, to 96.95%, 98.56%, 98.21%, and 98.05%in 2003; the rate of the points that put saft inject into pracitce period and form in 2003, contain more imprivement than in 1995, with the rate of inoculation points that exculated monthly and weekly rising from 9.72% to 20.04% and the rate of inoculation points that practiced fixed-point risen from 18.18% to 50.63%.Their composing rates are different significantly (P〈0.005). Those morbidities of plan immunization related diseases descend obviousely. Measlses's high-peak period morbidity was 77.58 per 100 000 in 2003, lowwer than those in 1985, 528.45 per 100 000, and in 1992, 162.41 per 100 000. The result of plan immunization against poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus become further consolidation.The mortalities in infants and children below 5 years old have descended further obviousely than before program was put into practice. CINCLUSION The program is effective and sucessful.
作者 侯兴华
出处 《中国初级卫生保健》 2006年第1期55-57,共3页 Chinese Primary Health Care
关键词 计划免疫 报告接种率 计免相关疾病 发病率 plan immunization, report inoculation rate, plan immunization related disease, morbidity
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