进入新世纪,西部开发要进行大规模基础设施和重点工程项目的建设,各种材料是必不可少的,其中钢铁材料是极重要的基础原材料之一,高温螺栓钢(20CrlMolVNbTiB)则是为了获得某种物理、化学或力学特性而有意添加了一定量的合金元素 Cr、Nb、Mo、V 等,并对杂质和有害元素加以控制的特殊性能钢。作者通过本厂近期冶炼的5炉20CrlMolVNbTiB 现场的跟班情况,对其冶炼过程以及如何更好的控制 Nb、Ti、B 进行了研讨,为以后更好的冶炼高温螺栓钢提供依据。
Stepped into the new era, a large scale infrastructure and important engineering project is being conducted, thus many kinds of materials are needed for them, among which iron and steel are the very important essential raw materials. The elevated temperature bolting steel (20Cr1Mo1VNbTib ) is a kind of steel developed to achieve certain physical, chemical or mechanical characters by adding some alloying elements such as Cr, Nb, Mo, V and others and controlling impurities and harmful elements. Based on the present melting conditions of 20Cr1Mo1VnbTiB in 5 heats, the author of this paper summarized melting process to control Nb , Ti , B better, in pursuit of making high quality elevated temperature bolting steel.
Special Steel Technology