
利用重复序列和循环前缀的OFDM频率同步新方法 被引量:3

New OFDM frequency offset estimation method using repeated sequences and cyclic prefix
摘要 频率同步是OFDM(OrthogonalFrequencyDivisionMultiplexing)系统的关键技术之一。使用重复的PN(pseudo-noise)序列和循环前缀作频率同步的新方法,与仅利用重复PN序列的Tufvesson原方法相比,有估计精度高和范围大的优点。分析了新方法的估计精度,给出了新方法与原方法相比较的性能增益。理论分析结果和仿真结果非常吻合,证明了分析的正确性。 Frequency offset estimation is one of the key technology for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems. A new frequency offset estimation method that uses repeated pseudo-random sequences and cyclic prefix for frequency synchronization is proposed in this paper. Compared with Tufvesson's method,the proposed method has more precise estimation and larger estimation range. The estimation variance of the new method is analyzed and the margin gain to the old one is theoretically evaluated. Simulations results verify the theory analyses.
出处 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期844-848,共5页 Chinese Journal of Radio Science
基金 国家自然科学基金课题(60272009) 教育部博士点基金20020614001 国家高科技发展计划资助课题(2001AA1230131) 自然科学基金重大项目(60496313)
关键词 正交频分复用 频率同步 重复序列 循环前缀 orthogonal frequency division multiplexing frequency synchronization repeated sequence cyclic prefix
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