对黄骅地区潮滩过程的基本特征进行了讨论,结果表明,该区潮滩发育主要受黄河泥沙的控制,黄河从本区或其附近入海期间是潮滩迅速淤涨期,当黄河远离本区时,潮滩便开始退缩进入调整期。目前本区潮滩过程的主要物质是潮滩本身的沉积物,漳卫新河的来沙是本区的主要物源。本潮滩的潮下带宽达9 km以上,破波带外界在约4.0 m水深处,港址选在泥沙活跃的破波带内是值得商榷的。建议港口建设应尽量避开破波带。
In this paper, the basic characteristics of tidal bank process in the Huanghua area are discussed, and it is shown from the discussion results that the tidal bank development in the area is controlled mainly by the Yellow River sediments, the tidal bank was in a rapid progradation period when the Yellow River entered the sea from this area or its neighborhood, and the tidal bank began to retrograde and entered an adjustment stage when the Yellow River was far away from this area. At present, the main materials in the tidal bank process in the area are the sediments on the tidal bank, and the sediments from the Zhangweixin River are the main material source for this area. The subtidal zone of the tidal bank is more than 9 km wide, and the outer limit of breaker zone is at about 4.0 m depth, so it is open to question that the harbor site is selected in the breaker zone with active sediment motions. It is suggested that the harbor construction should avoid the breaker zone as much as possible.
Coastal Engineering
Huanghua harbor
tidal bank process
harbor site selection