
浅析遗传资源权的制度构建 被引量:9

The Analysis of the Legal Construction of the Right on Genetic Resources
摘要 遗传资源的法律保护,关系到生物安全、环境保护以及生物多样性的维持。当前,发达国家利用先进的生物技术对发展中国家的遗传资源进行掠夺,通过知识产权的取得和知识产权国际保护制度,反过来又增加了发展中国家人们的生存成本。应该说这是与《世界人权公约》以及W IPO所追求的价值目标不相符合的。因此,加强对遗传资源的法律保护、构建遗传资源权制度,是每个国家在后TR IPS时代都必须解决的重大课题。 The legal protection of genetic resources is related to biology-safety, protection of environment and maintaining biological diversity. In these years, developed countries have robbed genetic resources from many developing countries via their advanced biotechnology. Through intellectual property and its legal system of international protection, the costs for survival of people in those countries are increased. It is said that this situation is disobedient to the value judgment of “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. Reinforcing the legal protection to genetic resources and constructing the legal system for the right on genetic resources are all important tasks that every country have to resolve in the epoch of post TRIPs.
作者 杨明
机构地区 北京大学法学院
出处 《华中科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2006年第1期45-50,共6页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 遗传资源 遗传资源权 利益分享 genetic resources the right on genetic resources benefit-sharing
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