
美国真的处于危险中吗?——20世纪80年代以来美国教育改革主旨探析 被引量:8

Is America Really at Risk?——Research on the Essence of American Educational Reform since the 1980s
摘要 本文阐述和分析了1983年以来美国以“国家处于危险中”为基本论题的四份教育报告,展示20世纪80年代以来美国教育改革的主旨和基本特征,探讨其所言标识教育危机的“事实”、化解危机的方案以及“危险论”的内涵和原因,以使我们对美国以渲染危机来推动教育改革的缘由和策略有更为深入的认识。 The article introduces four reports with "A nation at risk" as its theme to explore essence of American educational reform since the 1980s. By studying indicators of risk, ways to remove it, its meaning and reasons why America insists that it is at risk, the article helps people understand how America has been pushing its educational reform by keeping announcing itself at risk.
作者 姚丽霞 洪明
出处 《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第1期145-150,共6页 Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 美国 教育改革 报告 America, educational reform, report
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