

The Distinctive Features and Developing Course of the Liao,Jin and Yuan Literature——Preface to Liao,Jin and Yuan Volume of The Dictionary of Chinese Writers
摘要 辽代文献大量散佚,从今存作品看,辽文的基本体貌与五代文、宋文相同,辽诗却显得粗粝。金代文学作品以诗文为主,早期作家大都由宋入金,到金世宗大定以后,文学大盛,出现了著名作家赵秉文、元好问和王若虚。与作为区域性王国的辽、金不同,元朝是北方蒙古族统治者建立的统一王朝,文学繁荣,诸体兼备,尤以元杂剧最为重要,它为古典戏曲的表演艺术奠定了基础,在文学史上占有重要地位,关汉卿、王实甫和马致远等都是闻名的戏剧大家。宋代出现的南戏在元代继续流行,艺术上还有发展,元末产生的《琵琶记》成为其杰出代表。元代散曲的兴盛是继宋词以后又一次杂言体诗歌大繁荣的重要标志。上继金末和宋末的宗唐诗风,元代诗坛宗唐成风,对明清诗歌产生了一定影响。 Much of Liao literature was lost, but judging from what we have today, we can see the general style and features of Liao prose were roughly the same as those of Five Dynasties and Song Dynasty, though its poetry was comparatively course. The Jin literary works are mostly poems and essays, and its early writers came from Song Dynasty. After Dading Era under the reign of Emperor Shizong, literary creation began to flourish and such celebrated writers as Yuan Haowen and Wang Ruoxu are produced. Different from Liao and Jin who were only regional powers, Yuan Dynasty was a unitary kingdom established by Mongols. As a result, the Yuan literature was prosperous in all genres, especially its opera Za Ju, which laid the foundation of traditional Chinese performing art, occupied a key position in Chinese literary history and produced such important playwrights as Guan Hanqing, Wang Shifu and Ma Zhiyuan. Nan Xi (Southern Opera), which appeared during Song Dynasty, also continued to develop rather than fell out of fashion, with Pi Pa Ji as its representative. The flourishing of San Qu ( desultory song) was another important sign of the development of poems with irregular lines after that of Ci in Song Dynasty. The Yuan poems with regular lines continued the writing tendencies of modeling after Tang poetry in the late of Song and Jin Dynasties and exerted influence on Ming and Qing poems,
作者 邓绍基
出处 《江苏大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第1期63-68,共6页 Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 辽金元 韵体文学 散体文学 戏剧文学 Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties rhymed literature unrhymed literature drama
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