
西方理性主义时代的解释学——在语法和批判之间 被引量:1

Hermeneutics in the Times of Western Rationalism——Between Grammar and Criticism
摘要 早在理性时代和启蒙时代(17、18世纪),西方解释学的哲学化进程就迈出了重要的一步,而不是等到施莱尔马赫出现以后。理性主义时代的解释学集中体现在丹豪尔的普遍解释学、克拉登尼乌斯的教育解释学、迈耶尔的符号解释学以及宗教的系统内的虔信派的情感和应用的解释学。它们都从不同的角度突出了解释学的普遍性,具有深刻的时代特点。 It is in the times of rationalism and the Enlightenment but not after the emergence of Schleiermacher that the philosophization of Western hermeneutics has taken an important step. The hermeneutics in the times of rationalism mainly expresses in the universal hermeneutics of Dannhauer, the educational henneneutics of Chladenius, the symbological hermeneutics of Meier, as well as the emotional and applied hermeneutics of the Pietism. They all stress the universality of hermeneutics from different angles and deeply bear the characteristics of the times.
出处 《文史哲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第1期126-135,共10页 Literature,History,and Philosophy
关键词 西方理性主义 解释学 语法 批判 Western rationalism hermeneutics grammar criticism
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  • 1C. von Bormann," Kritik" J. Ritter, Historisches Worterbuch der Philosophie, Band 4:Seite 1249 - 1262.
  • 2H. -G. Gadamer, GW Band 2 : Seite 276 - 291/Seite 292 - 300.
  • 3H. -E. Hasso Jaeger, "Studien" Seite 35 -84.
  • 4Idea boni interpretis et malitiosi calumniatoris quae obscuriate dispulsa,verum sensum a falso discernere in omnibus auctorum scriptis ac orationibus docet,& plene respondet ad quaestionem Unde scis hunc esse sensum, non alium ? Omnium facultatum studiosis perquam utilis.Augsburg: bis 1670.
  • 5Idea boni interpretis, Art. 1, § 3 : "Omne scibile habet aliquam respondentem scientiam philosophicam. Modus interpretandi est aliquod scibile.Ergo:Modus interpretandi habet aliquam respondentem scientiam philosophicam. L. Geldsetzer, "Che cos'e I ermeneutica?". Rivista difilosofia neoscolastica 73 ( 1983 ) :594 - 622.
  • 6Idea boni mterpretis, Art. 1, § 6:" Una generalis est hermeneutica, quamvis in obiectis particulafibus sit diversila.s. ".
  • 7Johannes Clauberg, Logica vetus et nova ( 1654 ), M. Beetz," Nachgeholte Hermeneutik : Zum Verhahnis yon Interpretations-und Logiklehren in Barock und Aufklarung," Deutsche Vierteljahresschrifi fur Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgesehiehte 55 ( 1981 ) :Seite 591.
  • 8Idea boni interpretis, p. 4:" Hermeneuticam... organi Aristotelici adjectione novae civitatis aucturi. " H.-E. Hasso Jaeger, "Studien,'" p. 51.
  • 9H. -G. Gadamer, GW2:287.
  • 10hlea boni mterpretis, p. 29 : "interpres enim est analyticus orationum omnium quatenus sunt obscurae, sed exponibiles, ad discemendum verum sensum a falso".











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