

The effets of yugan oral liquor on serum apoAI apo B and its relation with syndrome differentiahon of traditional Chinese medicine in patients with chronic hepatitis B
摘要 目的探讨食肝口服液时慢性乙肝患者血清戴脂蛋白及中医证型的影响.方法83例慢性乙肝随机分为两组:中药组48例,服用愈肝口服液;西药组35例,静滴强力宁并肌注胸腺肤.其中肝郁脾虚型13例,肝胆温热型10例,脾肾阳虚型8例,瘀血阻络型8例.肝肾阴虚型9例。免疫散射比浊法测apoA;和apoB.结果愈肝口服液能够升高慢性乙肝患者血清apoA,和apoB胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白水平,(P<0.05~0,01),对apoA;和apoB的比值具有改善作用(P<0.05);中医辨证以肝郁脾虚型、肝胆湿热型、肝肾阳虚型疗效较好.结论意肝口服液对慢性乙肝患者血清apoA;和apoB水平具有调节作用。 Objectivc To research the clinical effects of yugan oral liquor on serum apoAI, apoB and syndrome differentia-tion of traditional Chinese medicine in chronic hepatitis B (CHB).Methods Eighty-three cases CHB were randomly divided into two groups.The yugan oral liquor was given for 48 cases, and the injection potenlini per IV. and thymosin per iM .were given for 35 cases .In 83 cases of CHB, the stagnation of the liver-qi and deficiency of the spleen-qi were 13 cases, dampness and heat in the liver and galibladder 10 cases, insufficieney of both the spleen and kidney 8 caees, accumulatiOn of blood stasis 8 cases, insufficiency of liver-yin and kidney-yin 9 cases.The serum levels of apoAland apoB were measured by immunodifusion turbidimetry. Rcsuclts The levels of apo Al, apoB, TC and HDL increased and the ratio of serum apo Alto apo B improved in treatment group.The effects were better in patients with stagnaton of liver-qi and insufficiency of spleen-qi, dampness and heat in liver and gallbladder and insufficieney of liver-yin and kidney-yin. Conclusions Yugan oral liquor possess regultating effect for serum apoAl and apoB in CHB patients.
出处 《新乡医学院学报》 CAS 1996年第2期105-108,共4页 Journal of Xinxiang Medical University
关键词 愈肝口服液 病毒性肝炎 载脂蛋白 辨证论法 yugan orae liquor viral hepatitis apo syndrome diffrentiation
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