

Study on the Geographical Distribution of MNCs′ R&D Investment in Developing World
摘要 跨国公司R&D全球化,尤其是R&D投资向发展中国家的扩散,对传统跨国公司理论提出了挑战。本文研究跨国公司在发展中国家R&D投资的发展历程、空间演变和空间特征。研究验证了企业的资源观在解释跨国公司R&D全球化中的适用性,并提出中国应抓住跨国公司调整R&D投资空间布局的有利时机,尽快制定政策吸引和利用跨国公司R&D投资。 At the end of 20th century, the rapid increase of MNCs' R&D investment in developing countries became a new trend of the globalization of industrial R&D. It brings challenge to the traditional theories of MNCs and location theory. This thesis explores the developing course and geographical distributing characteristics of MNCs' R&D investment in developing countries. The course can be divided into three phases: slow growing, undulate rising, and rapid developing. The characteristics of MNCs' R&D in developing economies can be concluded as follow: Firstly, Asia and Latin America are becoming the poles attracting the lion's share of MNCs R&D. Secondly, wide industry differences appear in the geographical distribution : the manufacturing of computer and electronics are concentrated in Asia, while that of chemical and transportation equipment are more dispersed. Thirdly, the expatriate R&D units engaged in research are concentrated in only a few regions in a handful economies, while those in development are more dispersed. The resource- based views can be used to explain the globalization of MNCs R&D. Finally, this thesis suggests that Chinese government establish a system of policies attracting and utilizing MNCs' R&D investment.
作者 楚天骄 宋韬
出处 《世界地理研究》 2005年第4期9-15,共7页 World Regional Studies
基金 上海市科委软科学重点课题"促进跨国公司研发机构与本土互动及技术扩散研究"(056921022)
关键词 R&D投资 跨国公司 发展中国家 R&D investment MNCs Developing country
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