
活性碳纤维在硫酸介质中电沉积聚苯胺 被引量:4

Electrochemical deposited polyaniline on a carbon fiber electrode in sulfuric acid electrolyte
摘要 利用活性碳纤维电极在硫酸溶液中采用循环伏安方法电沉积聚苯胺.随着聚苯胺的生长,循环伏安图中出现四个可逆的氧化还原峰.与聚苯胺的沉积生长对应的阴极沉积电量随着单体浓度、电解质浓度的增大而增大,随着扫描速率增大而减少.理论计算扫描电镜的结果都表明,活性碳纤维电极表面沉积的聚苯胺分为两层,底层为致密的结构,上层为低密度的开放性结构. Polyaniline was electrosynthesized on a carbon fiber electrode in sulfuric acid by the cyclic voltammetric technique. The voltammogram showed four reversible redox systems with the growth process. The electrodeposition charge on the carbon fiber electrode corresponding to the growth of polyaniline increased with increasing aniline and electrolyte concentration, and increased with decreasing scan rate. The open structure morphology of polyaniline was observed by scanning electron microscopy. According to theoretical calculation and the morphology of polyaniline it was proposed that the electrochemically synthesized polyaniline consisted of two types of layers. The first one formed at the early stage of growth and was of a compact structure, while the second layer was of a less dense open structure.
出处 《北京科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期702-705,共4页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.50274010)国家高技术研究发展计划("863"计划项目)(No.2002AA-302404)
关键词 聚苯胺 循环伏安法 活性碳纤维 表面形貌 polyaniline cyclic voltammetry carbon fiber surface morphology
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