混凝土基材锥体受拉破坏是后锚固锚栓受拉的基本破坏形式,采用混凝土破坏准则和弹性力学方 法,推导了胀锚型锚栓基于混凝土基材破坏的抗拔极限承载力简化计算公式.通过对不同混凝土强度的极限状 态数值分析,发现基材锚固破坏锥面底部直径R与有效锚固深度he为近似比值关系.与试验的对比结果表 明,简化计算方法精度满足工程需要,和多种试验测试结果相当吻合.
Conical tension failure in concrete is a basic failure mode for post-installed anchors in concrete components. Based on theory of elasticity and the failure criterion of concrete, a theoretical formula for the ultimate bonding capacity of expanding anchors is derived and simplified. Parametric analysis on the ultimate strength of the post-anchored concrete of different concrete strengths is carried out and it is found that the projected diameter of the critical cone R is approximately a linear function of the effective depth embedded in the concrete base for anchors. Compared with test results, the predicted values of the ultimate tension capacity of expanding anchors by the simplified formula agree well with the test measurements from different sources, and the accuracy of the method satisfies the requirements of engineering practice.
Mechanics in Engineering