

The Chinese Manufacturing Industry Development Urgent Need Modern Age Flow Support
摘要 世界制造业在全球化趋势下,进行战略性重组。经济运行的节奏在很大程度上取决于现代物流业的发展水平,中国制造业的发展和现代化的进程迫切需要现代物流的支持。现代物流理念和先进的物流管理技术将成为现代企业发展战略的重要内容。文章从未来世界制造中心的角度出发,分析了我国目前物流业在整体规划、服务标准、信息化程度等方面存在的问题,并针对出现的一系列问题提出制造业现代物流的发展战略。 World manufacturing industry under the globalization trend, go on the strategic reorganization too. China will become the world manufacturing center, the rhythm of economical operation depends on the development level of the logistics serviceindustry ot a great extent, Chinese development and modernized process of manufacturing industry need support of logistics svrvice urgently. The locus of the competition between the manufacturing industries will be not merely a competition of the price, meet market demand, customer fast reaction, person who supply competition on time, the competition advantage of the realm of traditional mode of production has already passed out of existence, logistics service idea and advanced logistics administrative skill become modem enterprise important content of development strategy, This text proceeds from angle of the manufacturing center of the world in future, analyse our country logistics industry at present in overall plan, serve standard, information-based degree, etc. respect existing problem, propose manufacturing industry development strategy of logistics service to a series of problem, propose manufacturing industry development strategy of logistics service to a series of question that appear.
出处 《华东经济管理》 2006年第1期58-62,共5页 East China Economic Management
基金 国家自然科学基金(40271054)资助项目
关键词 世界制造业 现代物流业 全球化 world manufacturing industry, logistics service industry, globalization
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