对竹业信息在In ternet中存在的现状进行调查分析,竹业专业网站约有520个,存在的主要形式有新闻、公告、窗口、电子商务以及E-m a il和数据库。认为竹业信息在In ternet中存在的主要问题是生产第一线的竹农、企业利用In ternet有限、网站总体建设水平不高、缺少行业门户站点、站名管理缺乏规范、信息量少、交易缺少安全保障等。
An investigation on the information of bamboo industry on Internet was made. There found about 520 related websites, appearing in the forms as news, bulletins, windows, electron business, E-mail and data base. There exist the following problems: the front line bamboo factories and farmers use the internet on the odd occasion,the door websites are rare, the names of the websites aren't standard, the information isn't rich enough and the electron trade isn't safe enough,etc.
Journal of Bamboo Research