Web Services技术是独立于平台、组建模型和编程语言的应用程序通信标准。它能够解决企业间集成中的障碍。Web Services的出现为新一代的电子商务的发展创造了条件。目前,无线网络和移动设备已经成为人们的亲密伙伴,可以浏览网页,也可以互传数据,所以移动设备也是电子商务的重要市场。ASP.NET的无线集成方案为无线开发提供了新的办法。二者的结合可以扩大企业的服务范围。文中简要介绍了Web Services,并使用以上两种技术构建了一个移动商务电子平台:网上订票代理系统。
Web Services technology is an application communication standard that is independent of platform, component model and prograrnming language and can solve the problems with enterprises' integration. Web Services pave the way for the development of a new generation of E- commerce. Wireless network and mobile equipment have been close friends of people. We can browse websites and transport data with each other. Thus, E - commerce is increasingly paying attention to mobile equipment. The wireless integration strategy of ASP. NET provides a new method for wireless development. Their combination can extends the scope of the service of the enterprise. In this article briefly talk about Web Services and create a platform of mobile E- commerce, online ticket book agent, with the two techniques mentioned above.
Computer Technology and Development