随着VPN技术的发展和广泛应用,L3 VPN技术和L2 VPN技术逐渐流行起来。基于L2 VPN的VPLS技术在传输速度和灵活性上的优势更为明显。为了提高VPLS的扩展性,文中提出了分层VPLS模型。通过对分层VPLS模型的原理的分析,使用消息通信机制有效地解决了分层VPLS的核心问题:PW的创建和维护。
With the development and widespread application of the VPN technique, VPLS based on L2 VPN technique becomes popular. The advantage of VPLS is its speed of transmisaion and flexibility and the disadvantage of it is lack of scalability. In order to improve its scalability, a hierarchical VPLS model is introduced. Aimed at the character of the hierarchical VPLS model, solve the problem of the establishment and maintenance of PW in the hierarchical VPLS model.
Computer Technology and Development