
叙述文本中中心概念的确定方式及其通达 被引量:1

A Research on the Measures of Centrality and Concept Access in the Narrative Text
摘要 采用移动窗口技术考察叙述文本中中心概念的确定方式及其通达。实验一在中文条件下得出了与Michelle&O’Brien2002研究一致的结果。实验二采用事件相关方式确定中心词,结果表明,无论在标题相关陪衬词还是在事件相关陪衬词干扰下,事件相关中心词通达效果显著优于边缘词。实验三进一步比较事件相关中心概念与词频相关中心概念的通达效果,结果表明,前者通达效果显著优于后者。总的实验结果表明,事件相关中心的确定方式同样在叙述文本中具有适用性,能够很好地体现文本中心,表现出情境模型水平上的通达优势。 Using the window-moving technique, we studied the measure of centrality and access of concepts in the narrative text. Experiment 1 reached a conclusion consistent with Michelle & O' Brien's study in 2002 in Chinese. Experiment 2 showed that with the title-related foils and the event-related foils interference, the access effect of central concept measured by event-relatedness significantly excelled peripheral concept. Experiment 3 further compared the access effect of central concept between event-relatedness and word frequency-relatedness. The results showed that the access effect of the former excelled the latter significantly. We reached the conclusion that the measure of centrality by event-relatedness is also applicable to the narrative text, embodies text centrality very well and represents access advantage at the level of situational model.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期115-119,106,共6页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30270477)
关键词 事件相关中心 词频相关中心 标题相关中心 中心概念 边缘概念 event-relatedness, title-relatedness, word frequency-relatedness, central concept, peripheral concept
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