介绍在Visual C++6.0环境下,使用WinSock控件进行网络通讯的一种异步非阻塞方法,该方法可用于Win-dows网络通信软件开发。使网络通讯软件能够在运行的同时接收来自客户端的数据,实现网络通讯的异步非阻塞,提高网络通讯数据传输的效率。该方法具有实时性、高效性特点,被广泛运用于C/S结构的软件中。
A method for asynchronous and unblock network communication with WinSock control is presented under VC^++ 6. 0 environment,which should be used in network communication software developing. With the aid of this method, network communication software should running and receiving the data at the same time which came from the client - side. Thus, network communication can be realized in the way of asynchronous and unbloek, the data transmission efficiency of network communication can also be increased. This method has characteristics of real- time and high efficiency,and has been extensively applied in C/S structural softwares.
Modern Electronics Technique