
食物中可溶性铁和可吸收铁的测定 被引量:1

Determination of Soluble Iron and Absorbable Iron in Foods
摘要 为了评价食物中可被吸收利用的铁的量,采用体外法模拟人体胃肠道的消化吸收,考查了八种不同食物的可溶性铁、可吸收铁和铁的可利用率、铁的可吸收率,它们分别在0.006×10-3~0.176×10-3、0.24×10-6~3.09×10-6、4.08%~38.46%和0.11%~1.66%之间。发现摄食相同重量的黑木耳、紫菜或空心菜,可以获得比猪肝或菠菜更多的可吸收铁;就可吸收率而言,蔬菜类食物高于豆制品类食物,富含动物蛋白的食物高于它含植物蛋白的食物。 In order to evaluate iron availability in foods, an in vitro method simulating the condition of gastrointestinal digestion is used to determination of the soluble iron, absorbable iron,available rate and absorbable rate of iron in eight foods, with the results of ranging from 0.006× 10-3 to 0. 176× 10-3, from 0. 24× 10-6 to 3. 9×10-6, from 4. 08% to 38. 64% and from 0. 11 % to 1. 66%, respectively. Edible fungus or laver and swamp cabbage are found to provide more absorbable iron than pigs liver and spinach, respectively, when same amount of the foods are taken in. Vegetable foods have a higher absorbable rate of iron than soybean products, and the absorbable rate of iron in foods rich in animal protein is higher than that of foods rich in plant protein.
作者 鲁靖 计时华
出处 《广东微量元素科学》 CAS 1996年第8期24-28,共5页 Trace Elements Science
关键词 可溶性铁 可吸收铁 食品 测定 Soluble iron, absorbable iron, Food.
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