

Considerations About the Strategy of Developing Packaging Education for the Ninth 5-year plan in China
摘要 本文指出由于我国包装工业正进入一个新的历史发展时期,我国的包装教育也显现出全面发展的态势,因此我凰“九五”期间的包装教育应从面向二十一世纪和与二十一世纪包装接轨的高度术思考,按照“提高层次、稳定规模、增加投入、提高效益”的思路来发展,以适应包装工业和整个国民经济发展的需要。 This paper states that since the new era of the developing the packaging industry has now emerged, the trend of all over development for packaging education in China must follow. So the considerations should be placed on that of the 21st century in view of the smooth transition of packaging education,which must be thought of in terms of advancing the level,stablizing the scale, increasing the investment, encouraging the efficiency to keep pace with the packaging industry and the national economy as a whole.
作者 金潇明
机构地区 株洲工学院
出处 《株洲工学院学报》 1996年第1期39-43,共5页 Journal of Zhuzhou Institute of Technology
关键词 包装 教育 发展规划 发展战略 中国 Ninth 5-year plan packaging Education Outline for development
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