1NFPA. NFPA 92B, Guide for Smoke Management Systems in Malls, atria and Large Areas. Mass:National Fire Protection Association, 1995 Edition.
2John H. klote. Prediction of Smoke Movement in Atria: Partl-Physical Concepts. ASHRE Transactions, 1997,103(2):534-544.
3William N. Brooks. Comparison of "Regular" and "Irregular" Methods of Calculating Smoke Layer Interface Heights in 1996 BOCA National Building Code.ASHRE Transactions, 1997,103 (2): 554- 568.
4William N. Brooks. Predicting the Position of the Smoke Layer Interface Height Using NFPA 92B Calculation Methods and a CFD Fire Mode. ASHRAE Transactions,1999,105(1) :414-425.