Describes a Class 100 clean tunnel with an ares of 17square metres, incorporating patented fi iter tubes in its structure.The clean tunnel was messured with 39 measuring points positioned sta height of 1.2 m above the floor throughout the tunnel.The totalaverage concentration of the airborne particles acqui red throughprocessing the continuous sampl ing results are 0.49,0.13 and 0 L- 1 forthe particles greater than 0.3,0.5 and 5 μm in size respectively. Thetunnel proved to be of low enersy consumption as its sl 1 13 fan motorsneed only 1. 56 kW in operation power. Bel ieves it wi I I benefit the airo lean ins industpy cost effective ly and energy ethic lent ly.
Heating Ventilating & Air Conditioning