目的:探讨永停滴定法测定盐酸丁卡因注射液含量时采用不同灵敏度对含量测定的影响。方法:分别选用仪器设定的10-7A,10-8A 和10-9A 3种灵敏度进行永停滴定,记录到达终点时间和计算样品含量,并与高氯酸滴定法进行比较。结果:与高氯酸滴定法比较,选用 10-7A,10-9A灵敏度时含量测定回收率均有显著性差异,选用10-8A灵敏度时则无显著性差异。结论:采用永停滴定法测定盐酸丁卡因注射液含量时,宜选用10-8A灵敏度。
Objective: To evaluate the effect of instrument sensitivity on the concentration determination of tetracaine hydrochloride injection using dead- stop titration method. Methods: Recording the stop time and calculating the content of tetracaine hydrochloride in the injection with the instrument sensitivity of 10^- 7A, 10^-8A and 10^-9A separately, and comparing the results with that of perehloric acid titration method. Results: The significant difference was found hetween the recovery with the dead- stop titration method for instrument sensitivity of 10^- 7A and 10^-9A and the perehlorie acid titration method, while the recovery for 10^-8A sensitivity was not significantly different from that with perchloric acid titration rnethod. Conclusion: 10^-8A sensitivity may be suitable for the determination of tetracaine hydrochloride concentration in it's injection using dead stop titration method.
China Pharmaceuticals