
Remote sensing Extraction model of redtide biomass by airborne hyperspectral technique

Remote sensing Extraction model of redtide biomass by airborne hyperspectral technique
摘要 Our work is based on the known research results of inherent optical quality of ocean color constituents.According to optimized parameters and induced fluorescence term of chlorophyll, this paper puts forward a remote sensing reflectance model of sea water, which is fitted in Liaodong Bay of Bohai. An inverse model that can evaluate redtide biomass according to chlorophyll retrieval is provided by inducing a functional extreme problem. The calculation example of the model indicates that the inversion model has explicit mathematic and physical meaning, but its practicability needs to be verified. Our work is based on the known research results of inherent optical quality of ocean color constituents. According to optimized parameters and induced fluorescence term of chlorophyll, this paper puts forward a remote sensing reflectance model of sea water, which is fitted in Liaodong Bay of Bohai. An inverse model that can evaluate redtide biomass according to chlorophyll retrieval is provided by inducing a functional extreme problem. The calculation example of the model indicates that the inversion model has explicit mathematic and physical meaning, but its practicability needs to be verified.
出处 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2006年第1期58-62,共5页 光电子快报(英文版)
基金 The work was supported by the High-tech Research and Devel-opment Programof China(S863-2001AA633080) Key Basic Re-search and Development Program of China 973-2001CB409708 Key Laboratory of Marine Science and Numerical Modeling,State Oceanic Administration,China .
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