提出了一种采用0.6μm 1PIM(单层Poly,单层Metal)CMOS工艺的高性能带隙基准电压源电路(BGR)设计。该电路能够在电压范围[4.0V,6.0V]内稳定工作,实现了一阶PTAT(与绝对温度成比例)温度补偿,并具有较好的电源抑制比和较低的温度系数,应用在热释电红外传感器专用控制芯片之中。HSPICE模拟和芯片测试结果表明,其电源抑制比可达到65dB,在0℃~70℃范围内精度可达到23×10^-6/℃,当VDD为5V时功耗仪为158.6945μW。
A high performance CMOS band-gap voltage reference circuit, which is compatible with 0.6μm 1PIM( 1Poly, 1Metal) CMOS technology is proposed in this paper. The circuit can employ in 4.0V-6.0V range, carry out the first-order PTAT (Proportional To Absolute Temperature) temperature gradient compensation, achieve a high PSRR (Power Supply Rejection Ratio) and low temperature coefficient, and be applied to the design of a controller for pyroelectric infrared sensor. Results from HSPICE simulation and chip test show that the circuit has a PSRR of 65 dB, an accuracy of 23ppm/℃ in the temperature range from 0℃ to 70℃ and a low power consumption of 158. 6945μW when VDD is 5.0V.
Electronic Engineer