按照国家相关规程进行城镇基准地价评估,其技术路线违背了土地价格的构成特性,评估结果很大程度上取决于评估师的经验。本文基于H edon ic价格模型,构建了土地的价格模型,提出了完整的城镇基准地价评估技术路线,最大程度地消除了评估师经验对评估结果的影响,使得评估结果更为客观合理。该方法应用于2004年长沙市基准地价更新中,取得了良好的效果。
To appraise benchmark town land price in compliance with relevant state regulations will go against the features of land price, its procedures in the appraisal results thus depend much on the experience of the appraisers. On the basis of Hedonic price model, this paper constructs a zone land price model, and formulates a whole set of procedures to appraise the benchmark town land price. This method will generate reasonable and objective appraisal results through reducing the appraisers' influence to the least. It has been applied in updating the benchmark land price of Changsha City, and produced excellent results.
Systems Engineering