目的探讨对 HIV 感染者及配偶进行宣传、教育,防止配偶被感染以及 HIV 感染者报复社会行为的发生。方法对 HIV 感染者及配偶进行随访。结果对1例男性 HIV 感染者及配偶进行宣传、教育并建议100%使用避孕套,随访21个月未发现配偶感染。结论加强对发现的 HIV 感染者及家属进行随访、心理及医疗咨询;法律法规、社会道德规范、HIV 防护知识的宣传和性健康教育,是有效预防控制 HIV 传播、蔓延的重要手段。
Object Probe into how to prevent a HIV infected porson' s spouse infecting with HIV, and how to prevent a HIV infected porson making reprisals the social behavioral occurrence by giving them good publicity, education and correct guidance. Methods To follow - up the analysis the IIIV infected porson and his spouse. Result After education and publicity to the HIV infected person and his spouse, and to suggest using condoms all the time in his sexual life, twenty - one months later, the HIV infected person' s spouse did not infect with HIV, Conclusion Enhance following- up HIV infected persons and their family members, and giving them psychological and medical counsel, enhancing their knowledge of relevant laws and regulations and codes of ethics and the HIV disease and sex, it is an effective measure of proventing and controlling spread of HIV.
HIV infected person
Follow - up