在我国口岸及旅游城市国际旅行卫生保健中心中开展建立 ISO9000质量管理体系的工作,以增强国际旅行卫生保健中心在医学服务领域的竞争力,促进国际旅行卫生保健事业的发展。为此,在从国际旅行卫生保健中心建立质量管理体系的目的、原则、方法和步骤等方面对开展此项工作进行了研究。运用 ISO9000族标准的管理思想和方法,使保健中心建立质量管理体系。通过 ISO9000认证,全方位提高自身工作的质量水平;建立质量管理体系必须遵循八项原则;质量管理体系的建立从开始到通过认证一般分为四个阶段,即导入准备、建立文件化体系、质量体系的实施、质量管理体系的认证阶段。其中编写和完善质量管理体系文件是建立和完善质量管理体系的首要任务。质量管理体系所需的文件由质量手册、程序文件、作业指导书、记录等四个层次的文件组成,能够指导组织各项质量活动有效地和有序进行。开展 ISO9000质量管理体系认证工作,对于提高和推动国际旅行卫生保健中心的质量管理工作发挥着积极的作用。实施建立质量管理体系工作,一定要结合国际旅行卫生保健中心以及服务工作的特点,把工作重点放在如何将标准的要求和具体的工作的实际相结合上,把通过ISO9000认证作为全面提升组织整体业绩的基础,立足持续改进,永不满足现状,不断推动国际旅行卫生保健事业不断发展。
To build up the management system of ISO9000 quality in the 171 international travel health care centers in the ports and tourist cities of our country confirmed served for checking on infectious disease monitoring technologies of inward aud outward personnel is imperative to strengthen its competitiveness in medical service field and promote the development of public health work of the international traveling hygiene. For this reason, we have done some research on this work according to the purpose, method, step of establishing the system of quality control in the international travel health care center . We have also adopted the management thoughts and methods of ISO9000 elan' s standard to make the health center establish the system of quality control . The quality level of our own work can be improved omni - directionally through ISO9000 authentication; Establishing the system of quality control must follow eigt,t principles; The setting - up of the management system of quality is generally divided into four stages from beginning to through authentication, namely thc preparation of application, establishing the system the system of file, implcmentatior, of quality system , authentication stage of the management system of quality. It is priu,ary tasks of estahlishing and perfecting the management system of quality to write and perfect the management system file of quality. Quality n, anagement system files arc made up of quality manual, procedure file, operation guide etc. It can guide and organize very quality activity effectively and make it go on in order. Launching the work of ISO9000 quality management system authentication play a positive role for improving and promoting the quality management of the health center of the international traveling hygiene. Before implemcnting the work of establishing the system of quality control, we must consider the characteristics of the international travel health care center and its services and put the focal point of work on how to combine the standard demanded with the reality of concrete work. We should make through ISO9000 authentication as a foundation of promoting the whole achievement of organizes in an allround way and continue to improve our work and satisfy current situation never. And we will surely continue to promote the constant development of the puhlic health work of the international travel health care,