传统的商业应用一般是客户机/服务器(Chent/Server,C/S)两层结构,它存在许多的弊端,运用多层结构不但可以很好地克服传统两层结构的不足之处,而且给软件开发带来了一场新的革命.多层体系结构发展有其必然性和特点,给出多层体系结构中组件事务服务器(Jaguar CTS)在 Internet/Intranet 中的一个简单的应用.
It is client/server structure for the traditional business application, Which has lots of shortages, the application of multi-tier structure can not only overcome the faults of the traditional c/s strucrure but also bring about a new revolution. I have outstandingly researched the certainty and character of multi-tier structure, and a simple application of Jaguar CTS in Internet/Intranet.
Journal of Huaihua University