AIM: To investigate the effects of oral Lactococcus lactis (L lactis) containing endostatin on 1, 2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH)-induced rat colorectal cancer. METHODS: Recombinant endostatin was produced by the expression of L lactis NZ9000. Sixty male Wistar rats were injected with DMH (40 mg/kg body weight) subcutaneously once a week for 10 wk to induce colorectal cancer. The rats were gavaged with 1 mL of endostatin at a dose of 1×10^8/d and fed with the basal diet. The animals were killed after 22 wk for histopathological examination. The total time of experimental observation was 58 wk. RESULTS: Rat endostatin protein was expressed in L lactis. Recombinant endostatin exhibited a significant effect on colorectal cancer (P〈0.05). Furthermore, the mean survival time of the rats treated with endostatin was longer than that of the animals treated with DMH. There was no statistically significant difference between the rats treated with endostatin and those treated with DMH. The results showed that endostatin could not result in complete cure. CONCLUSION: Oral endostatin exerts an influence on the progression of chemically induced colon tumors.
瞄准:调查口头的 Lactococcus 乳酸的效果是(L 乳酸是) 在 1 上包含 endostatin, 2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH ) 导致了老鼠颜色表面的癌症。方法:Recombinant endostatin 被 L 乳酸的表示生产是 NZ9000。六十只男 Wistar 老鼠每周一次皮下地与 DMH (40 mg/kg 体重) 被注射因为导致的 10 wk 渲染表面的癌症。老鼠是有在 1 x 10 的剂量(8 ) 的 endostatin 的 1 mL 的 gavaged 有基础饮食的 /d 和美联储。动物为组织病理学说的检查在 22 wk 以后被打死。试验性的观察的全部的时间是 58 wk。结果:老鼠 endostatin 蛋白质在 L 被表示乳酸。Recombinant endostatin 在颜色上展出了重要效果表面的癌症(P<0.05 ) 。而且,与 endostatin 对待的老鼠的吝啬的生存时间比与 DMH 对待的动物的长。有不,统计上,在与 endostatin 和那些对待的老鼠之间的有效差量与 DMH 对待。结果证明 endostatin 不能导致完全的痊愈。