
灵芝深层发酵生物富集钙的工艺及其检测 被引量:2

Technology of Bioaccumulation of Calcium by Submerged Fermentation of Gamoderma Lucidum and Its Analysis
摘要 探讨了灵芝深层发酵生物富集钙的工艺及其检测,其研究结果表明灵芝深层发酵的操作参数为:发酵温度28℃;pH5.0-6.0;生长周期144h-168h;灵芝生物活性钙含量为62.30mg/g;多糖为486.52mg/g. The paper researches the technology of submerged fermentation and Cabioaccmulation in Gamoderma Lucidum. The results show that the operating parameters of submerged fermentation in Gamoderma Lucidum are as the following: fermentation temperature, 28℃ ,pH5. 0-6. 0, growth cycle 144h-168h. And the amount of Calcium and polysaccharide in Gamoderma Lucidum bioactive calcium are 62.30mg/g and 486.52mg/g respectively.
作者 苗敬芝
机构地区 徐州工程学院
出处 《徐州工程学院学报》 2005年第5期19-21,共3页 Journal of Xuzhou Istitute of Technology
关键词 灵芝 深层发酵 生物富集钙 生物活性钙 生物富集 钙含量 检测 工艺 发酵温度 操作参数 gamoderma lucidum submerged fermentation bioaccumulation calcium bioactive calcium
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