
一种网络测量中的时钟同步算法 被引量:1

Clock Synchronization Algorithms for Network Measurements
摘要 包延迟跟踪在端到端性能分析和流量控制算法设计中是很重要的度量指标。论文介绍在延迟测量中评估和消除相对时钟误差的convexhulls法,这些算法能大大改善测量的准确性,可以在线和离线使用。 Packet delay traces are important measurements for analyzing end-to-end performance and for designing traffic control algorithms in computer networks. Several algorithms to estimate and remove the relative clock skews from delay measurements based on the computation of convex hulls are presented.These algorithms are greatly improve the accuracy of measurements,and can be used both online and offline.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期121-124,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 CONVEX hulls法 时钟同步 时钟重置 convex hull, clock synchronization, clock reset
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