自1986年12月至1988年3月,共对20例经病理证实的中,晚期肺癌进行了选择性支气管动脉插管,动脉灌注大剂量顺铂,全身经静脉给硫代硫酸钠解毒的“双路”化疗。顺铂剂量:第一疗程为100mg/m^2,第二疗程为150mg/m^2,加静脉给硫代硫酸钠。 治疗前后水化及甘露醇利尿。 结果:6例小细胞肺癌,5例达部分缓解;14例非小细胞肺癌,2例达完全缓解,10例达部分缓解。有效率为85.7%(12/14)。 毒性反应不严重、无一例因肾毒性或白细胞减少而停止治疗。
From June 1986 to March 1988 . 20 patients with advanced lung cancer were treate with IA high dose DDP and IV STS. One or two courses of treatment were given to each patient. The dosage of DDP was 100mg/m2 at first course and 150mg/m2 at second course. STS was given intravenously and simultaneously as a protective agent.Hydration and mannitol administration was necessary defore and after DDP treatment.The restult of this therapy was that among six small cell lung carcinoma patients five had had a partial response, among 14 patients of non-small cell lung carcinoma two had a complete response. 10 had a partial response . The response rate of non-small cell lung carcinoma was 85. 7 % (12/14).Toxicity was mild. No serious nephrotoxicity or leukopenia occurred during treatment.
Chinese Journal of Cancer