
“概念图”解读:背景、理论、实践及发展——访教育心理学国际著名专家约瑟夫·D·诺瓦克教授 被引量:63

Background, Theory, Practice and Development of Concept Map——An Interview with Prof. Joseph D. Novak
摘要 约瑟夫·D·诺瓦克(Joseph D.Novak)教授是著名的教育心理学家、概念图和概念构图的创始人,曾入选《美国名人录》、《世界医药健康名人录》、《世界科学与工程名人录》和《世界名人录》,现为美国康奈尔大学荣誉退休教授、西佛罗里达大学人机认知研究所(IHMC)高级研究科学家,以及诺瓦克知识咨询公司(Joseph D.Novak Knowledge Consultants,Inc.)总裁。 Novak教授至今共出版了(包括与他人合作出版)专著26部,在专业期刊和杂志上发表学术论文130余篇(章),担任过400余所大、中、小学和公司的顾问。他和Gowin1984年合作出版的《学会学习》(Learning How to Learn)迄今已被译成8种语言被世界广泛阅读。Novak最近的著作《知识的学习、创建和使用:概念图作为学校和公司学习的促进工具》(Learning,Crearing and Using Knowledge:Concept Maps as Fa cilitative Tools in Schools and Corporations)也正被翻译成6种语言出版于世界各地。Novak当前的研究工作主要包括:学生对学习的观点和认识;如何将教育理论和工具(如概念构图)运用到公司环境和远程教育项目中。当前的工作还包括开发作为学习脚手架的“专家框架图(Expert Skeleton)”;如何在网络环境下使用CmapTools和其他资源等。 Prof. Joseph D. Novak is one of the most famous psychologists, and the creator of Concept maps and Concept Mapping. Dr. Novak is listed in Who's Who in America, Who's Who in Medicine and Health and Who's Who in Sxdence and Engineering and Who's Who in the World ( 2006 ). He is currently Professor Emeritus, Cornell University, and Senior Research Scientist at the University of West Florida Institute of Human and Machine Cognition, and president of Joseph D. Novak Knowledge Consultants, Inc. He is author or coauthor of 26 books and more than 130 book chapters and papers in professional books and journals. He has consulted with more than 400 schools, universities and corporations. His LEARNING HOW TO LEARN ( with Gowin) published in 1984 is now in 8 other languages and is widely read. His recent book, Learning, Creating, and Using Knowledge: Concept Maps as Facilitative Tools in Schools And Corporations, (LEA, 1998) is currently translated into 6 foreign languages. His current research work includes studies on student's ideas on learuing and episternulogy, and methods of applying educational ideas and tools ( such as concept mapping) in corporate settings and distance learning pro- grams. Present work includes the development of' expert skeleton" concept maps to " scaffold' learning, using CmapTools with the lnternet and other resources.
机构地区 美国康奈尔大学
出处 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 2006年第1期4-8,共5页 Open Education Research
关键词 概念图 思维导图 机械学习 意义学习 教育心理学 约瑟夫·D·诺瓦卡 人物访谈 专家框架图 concept map concept mapping Mind Map rote learning meaningful learning CmapTools
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