目的观察月季花水提物对外源性一氧化氮损伤的胰岛细胞的保护作用。方法采用外源性一氧化氮(NO)作用于离体胰岛细胞5 h,给予不同浓度的月季花水提物,观察细胞存活率、超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)活力、丙二醛(MDA)、NO等指标变化情况。结果外源性一氧化氮作用于离体胰岛细胞后,胰岛细胞存活率下降,SOD活力下降,MDA、NO含量升高,胰岛素分泌功能降低,胞内DNA含量下降。给与不同质量浓度(1、0.1、0.01 g.L-1)的月季花水提物则可减少NO、MDA释放,提高SOD水平,显著提高细胞存活率,提高胰岛素分泌功能量,对由外源性NO导致的DNA含量降低有一定的抑制作用。结论月季花水提物能够提高胰岛细胞的抗氧化能力,对外源性NO造成的胰岛细胞损伤有很好的保护作用。
Objective To investigate the protective effect of water extracts of Flos Rosae Chinensis(YJH) on the B-cell injury induced by exogenous nitric oxide. Methods Pancreatic islet cells from SD rats were cultured in vitro. Pancreatic islet cells were incubated with SPN and different concentrations of YJH for 5 hours. Results SPN could significantly decrease SOD level, increase nitric oxide(NO) and MDA production, reduce insulin release at glucose stimulation, decrease DNA concentration in islet cells. When incubated with different concentrations of YjH, the injury of SPN-induced B-cells was reversed by reducing NO and MDA production and enhancing SOD level. Conclusions YjH may play a protective role in B-cell injury induced by SPN.
Journal of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University