
面向复杂决策任务的综合集成决策研讨总体框架设计 被引量:17

Design the Overall Framework of Metasynthetic Engineering for Argumentation towards Complex Decision Tasks
摘要 从群体决策任务结构化理论出发,分析了复杂决策任务研讨过程的层次结构和组合机理,结合从定性到定量的综合集成方法,研究提出了一种适合软件实施需求,能够充分实现人机结合的研讨信息分解集成框架,在此基础上设计实现了一种可付诸于实施的研讨厅系统———开放式群体决策研讨平台GASS,并给出一个企业开拓新市场的决策实例. The complexity and uncertainty of complex decision tasks bring a big limit to information catching, comprehension, and application for individuals in group discussion and decision - making. The development of modem network information technologies has enabled decision - making group to take full use of computer to make fast and highly efficient decisions. In this paper, we analyzed the hierarchy and combination mechanism of complex decision tasks process based on structurization theory. Combined with the study on metasynthetic methodologies from qualification to quantification, we brought up an information analysis and integration frame which is capable to not only meet the requirements of software application, but also fully realize human-PC communication. Based on this frame, we designed an applicable HWMSE system - group argumentation support system.
出处 《系统工程理论与实践》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期9-17,41,共10页 Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice
基金 国家自然科学基金重大项目(79990580)
关键词 复杂决策任务 群体决策支持系统 综合集成研讨厅体系 决策研讨总体框架 complex decision tasks group decision support system metasynthetic engineering overall framework for argumentation of decision
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