技术创新的概念是由奥地利经济学家熊彼特最早提出来的,他认为创新的概念涵盖十分广泛,包含了一切可能提高资源配置效率的活动,这些活动可能与技术直接相关,也可能与技术不直接相关,但其目的是要产生效益,获取利润。 1999年,国务院发布了《关于加强技术创新,发展高科技、实现产业化的决定》,提出技术创新是指“企业应用创新的知识和新技术、新工艺,采用新的生产方式和经营管理模式,提高产品质量,开发生产新的产品,提供新的服务,占据市场并实现市场价值”。目前,机电液一体化等高新技术迅速发展,竞争的焦点日趋集中在以技术创新能力为标志的企业综合实力的对比上,作为资金和技术密集型产业之一的工程机械行业自然也不例外。国内各大工程机械企业根据自身的情况正在紧锣密鼓地制定下一步的竞争战略,而国外著名的跨国公司也纷纷加快了在华的战略调整。面对这一新的形势,国内工程机械企业如何在日趋激烈的国际化竞争环境中找准自己的位置?除了在管理、销售体系等方面的扬长避短外,技术研发上如何与之进行全面抗衡和竞争?自主的技术创新能否担负得起支撑企业健康持续发展的重任?
Nowadays, market competition has been focusing on enterprise' strength symbolized by the technical innovating ability, and the construction machinery industry is in the same way. Every major construction machinery enterprise in China is now working out its own competition strategies in the near future, and those famous foreign crosscountry companies are also speeding up the adjustments and practice of their Chinese strategies. Facing the new situation, besides making best use of the advantages and bypassing the disadvantages in enterprise management and market system, how to contend with those foreign companies completely in technical development, and whether independent technical innovation can keep the sustainable development of the company? Mr. Ma Zhu from Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Co., Ltd. and Professor He Jie from Hebei University of Technology present their points of technical innovation in different aspects for domestic construction machinery enterprises.
Construction Machinery & Maintenance