Economic Perspectives
1Ball, L. & D.Romer (1990), "Real rigidities and the non- neutrality of money", Review of Economic Studies 57 (2): 183-203.
2Chari, V.V., P. Kehoe & E.McGrattan (2000), "Sticky- price models of the business cycle: Can the contract multiplier solve the persistence problem?" Econometrica 68:1151-1179.
3Sims, C.A. (1998), "Stickiness", Carnegie - Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 49:317-356.
4Woodford, M. (2002), "Imperfect common knowledge and the effects of monetary policy", In P.Aghion, R.Frydman, J.Stiglitz & M. Woodford (eds), Knowledge, Information, and Expectations in Modern Macroeconomics: In Honour of Edmund S. Phelps. Princeton University Press.
5Mankiw, N.G. & R. Reis (2002), "Sticky information versus sticky prices: A proposal to replace the New Keynesian Phillips curve." Quarterly Journal of Economics 117(4): 1295-1328.
6Sims, C.A. (2003), "Implications of rational inattention", Journal of Monetary Economics, 50(3):665-690.
7Reis, R.(2004), "Inattentive producers", Discussion paper, Harvard University.
8Akerlof, G.A., W.T. Dickens & G. L. Perry (1996), "The macroeconomics of low inflation", Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (1): 1-59.
9Karanassou, M., H.Sala & D.J.Snower (2005), "A reappraisal of the inflation - unemployment tradeoff", European Journal of Political Economy, 21(1):1-32.
10Akerlof, G.A., W.T.Dickens & W.L.Perry (2000), "Near rational wage and price setting and the long- run Phillips curve", Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1: 1-60.
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