The weight loss in vivo degradation of poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) radiolabeled with 125I was in-vestigated. PLGA with molecular weight (Mw) of 84000(LA/GA = 85/15) were labeled with 125I in the chloroform media by circularly heating and round films of about 15 mm in diameter were formed. The composition and Mw of the 125I-PLGA were characterized by 1H-NMR and viscosimeter. The weight loss of this copolymer in vitro and in vivo degradation was quantified by determining radioactivity of materials. The results indicated that PLGA exhibited sig-nificantly faster degradation in vivo than that of in vitro conditions.
The weight loss in vivo degradation of poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) radiolabeled with ^125I was investigated. PLGA with molecular weight (Mw) of 84000(LA/GA= 85/15) were labeled with ^125I in the chloroform media by circularly heating and round films of about 15 mm in diameter were formed. The composition and Mw of the ^125I-PLGA were characterized by ^1H-NMR and viscosimeter. The weight loss of this copolymer in vitro and in vivo degradation was quantified by determining radioactivity of materials. The results indicated that PLGA exhibited significantly faster degradation in vivo than that of in vitro conditions.
Supported by grant of Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Fund (T0202) and grant of State Education Commission Fund.
Poly (lactide-co-glycolide), ^125I labeling, Degradation.