Feed Review
1Takaya, Ariyasu, Kanamoto, et al. Ghrelin strongly stimulates growth hormone release in humans [J]. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Metablism, 2000, 85: 4908-4911.
2Salfen, Carroll, Keisler, el al. Effects of exogenous ghrelin oil feed intake, weight gain, behaviour, and endocrine responds in weanling pigs [J]. Journal of Animal Science, 2004, 82(7): 1957-1966.
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4Hashizume, Horiuchi, Tate, et al. Effects of Ghrelin on growth hormone secretion from cultured adenohypophysial cells in pigs [J].Domest Ani Endocrinol, 2003(24): 209-218.
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9Masuda Y, Tanaka T, Inomata N, et al. Ghrelin stimulates gastric acid secretion and motility in rats [J]. Biochemistry Biophysics Research Communication, 2000(76): 905-908.
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6杨连玉,杨文艳,耿春银,李德莉,王淑洁,秦贵信.PCI-Ghrelin-28aa质粒对仔猪生长性能的影响[J].中国兽医学报,2009,29(6):797-799. 被引量:1
7李振远,李方方,张勇,朱宇旌.胃饥饿素:生物学特征及对动物采食量的调控[J].动物营养学报,2016,28(1):35-42. 被引量:5
9徐建,陈芳琴,郑德兴,李柯平,冯光德,何建.色氨酸对动物采食的调控[J].饲料研究,2013,36(1):21-24. 被引量:9
10王开云,张国生,曾检华,舒邓群.利用生长轴各激素调控动物生长[J].江西畜牧兽医杂志,2008,27(6):4-6. 被引量:3