根据变轴数控机床的特点,开发了适用于BKX-I型变轴数控机床的数控系统控制软件。该软件是基于IPC+PMAC组成的硬件平台和W in2000+Vc6.0+Pcomm32pro组成的软件平台构建的,该软件采用模块化和面向对象的设计思想,具有良好的开放性、可操作性和易维护性,实现了对BKX-I变轴数控机床的实际操作(包括六轴联动、主轴运动、冷却泵开启以及刀具定位和工件定位等),把直接对实轴坐标系操作改为直接对虚拟轴坐标系的操作,对工件的具体加工以及该类机床的推广和实用有实际意义。
According to the characters of virtual axis CNC machine tools (VACNCMT) and basing on the hardware platform of IPC + PMAC and the software platform of Win2000 + Vcr. 0 + Pcomm32pro, a set of controlling software for the BKX - Ⅰ type VACNC- MT was developed. For using modularizing and object oriented programming ideas, this software has good opening feature and can be operated easily. The key technology of making this software such as modularization and communication was described in details.
Machine Tool & Hydraulics