目的观察人脑出皿周围组织中GFAP在星形胶质细胞的动态表达,探讨脑出血周围组织星形胶质细胞的反应及其意义。方法应用44例因脑出血而死亡的尸检全脑标本,采用HE染色进行形态学观察,免疫组化染色(两步法)标记星形胶质细胞中的胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP),观察GFAP在星形胶质细胞的表达和变化规律,实验结果应用SPSS11.5软件包进行统计学分析。结果脑出血2h其周围组织中GFAP表达开始增加(P〈0.01),3~5d GFAP表达明显增强(P〈0.01),7~15d GFAP表达达到高峰(P〈0.01),以后有所回落,19d时仍高于对照组(P〈0.01)。结论星形胶质细胞在脑出血周围组织的表达呈抛物线样变化,7~15d反应达高峰;脑出血后星形胶质细胞异常活化且与神经元的存活密切相关,发挥双刃剑作用。
Objective To observe expression of GFAP, research the reaction and significance of astrocytes in the surrounding areas after cerebral hemorrhage of human. Methods He and immunohistochemistry are used to observe changes of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and SPSS11.5 was used to analyse the results. Results The expressions of GFAP started to increase in 2h (P 〈 0.01) and reached the peakvalue in 7~15 days (P 〈 0.01), afterwards, the expressions started to decrease the expressions was still higher than that in control group in the nineteenth day. Conclusions The expression of astyocyts increased then decreased, reached the peak in 7~15 days in the surrounding areas after cerebral hemorrhage in human; Abnormally activated astrocytes are closely related with neuronal survival and had duplex effect after cerebral hemorrhage.
Journal of Medical Research